Picture the scene. You've just boarded a 6 am flight when a newborn - your four-month-old to be exact - starts crying and won't stop. Given planes have turned around due to toddler tantrums, with one 7-month-pregnant mum being kicked off a flight because her toddler was crying, one could assume a crying newborn would only make people on board feel rather tense...
This very scenario happened to new mum Rebekka Garvison on board an early morning flight from Chicago to Alabama. Her girl would not stop wailing, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an angel stepped in and said "Do you mind if I try?" and calmed the little tot right down. The secret is to hold the baby in the light near the window, it forces them to close their eyes and calm down. A very drunk woman on a hen party on the way to Alicante once told me that.
Garvison took to her social media to thank the stranger, Nafisha Miller - who should really consider offering her baby whispering prowess to airline companies. She'd make a fortune.
Has anyone come to your aid while at 30,000 feet? Or have you been someone's saviour?