Since me 'n Drew (we're tight) are a similar age, I know she remembers Berlin's power ballad, 'Take my Breath Away', which was the signature tune for 1986's movie par schlocky excellence, Top Gun, starring King Thetan himself, Tom Cruise. This was before he lost the run of himself and turned into a boggle-eyed couch jumping loon, but those simpler times fostered tolerance in hairdressing too.
Even as a teenager I was of the firm opinion that Berlin singer Terri Nunn's awful two-tone barnet (shown to great effect whilst balanacing on the wing of a plane wearing a jumpsuit) was Not Cool. Not Cool at all. But Drew's chosen to channel it for appearances recently for Whip It (surely Devo inspired?) and I think Beaut.ie opinion will be divided here, much as it was with her 'creative' approaches to festivalling beauty.
Me? I'm less breath taken away, and more 'wind knocked out of self by horrific crime against barnets'. Yuck Drew. Change it back.
Psst: if you want to relive your youth, I've embedded Berlin's Take my Breath Away vid-yo after the cut.