While I wouldn’t be a big fan of property shows (apart from the occasional episode of Grand Designs, as I do enjoy Kevin McCloud’s refusal to believe that a project is ever going well, even when it so obviously is), sometimes there are homes on tv and film that give me serious house envy. So here are some of my favourite dream houses/apartments that have made me want to pack up and declare à la Liz Lemon: “I want to go to there.”
ONE: Cameron and Mitchell’s house in Modern Family
It’s a tough one to choose a favourite house on Modern Family, as there’s Phil and Claire’s gorgeous home (whenever Phil gets around to fixing that broken step) or Jay and Gloria’s angular mansion, but I just love Cam and Mitch’s 1920s style house. Look at it, it's amazing! Shiny wood floors and curved archways and a big-ass fireplace, plus it’s got that great bit on the front that looks like a tower, so it looks like a silent film star’s old-timey Hollywood castle. However, I could take or leave the fancy mural in Lily’s room.
TWO: Josh Baskin’s loft in Big
When I was a young wan, the most amazing home I had ever seen was the enormous New York apartment that Tom Hanks’ character lived in, in the 80’s magic age change classic Big. It remains the standard to beat in terms of dream homes for me. The place was HUGE, even big enough to skateboard around, for feck's sake. It was stuffed with fun and had arcade games, inflatable dinosaurs, a Pepsi machine and most importantly, ceilings high enough to facilitate A TRAMPOLINE. Josh’s apartment was the business. New life goal: indoor trampoline.
THREE: Monica and Rachel’s apartment in Friends
Was there ever an apartment that you wanted to hang out in more than Monica and Rachel’s? The purple walls! The mismatched kitchen chairs! The French posters! Their old fashioned fridge, which was always full (I do love a full fridge) and the massive window, which you could climb out of onto a balcony were the stuff of mid-Nineties property dreams. Of course, in reality two regular twenty-somethings would never be able to afford a place like that in New York, even if it was rent-controlled, but screw reality, those kitchen units are such a gorgeous shade of turquoise!
It’s actually quite hard to make a list of fictional dream homes, as I could probably go on forever, seeing as there’s also Liam Neeson’s gaff in Love Actually (that vintage Laundrette sign needs to be mine), the massive airy loft in New Girl, or the Jetsons and their swanky space age pad that gets you up and dressed in the morning, complete with robot housekeeper, all of which I also want to live in.
So which abodes from film and tv would you most like to live in? Do you reckon you’d manage quite happily in Downton Abbey, or would you prefer Leonard and Sheldon’s brightly furnished apartment in The Big Bang Theory, even though the lift is broken? Or is Carrie Bradshaw’s walk-in wardrobe more your thing?
To the comments!