Tom Cruise is a bit of a carried eejit - he just can't be taken seriously since the time he jumped on Oprah's couch to declare his love for Katie Holmes can he? He takes himself very seriously indeed and what with that, plus the Scientology business, the world has decided that he is the crazy.
In the publicity shots for Rock of Ages (in which he has chosen to have a monkey as a side kick ) his abs are being closely scrutinised. Are they real - or are they sprayed on?
WHO CARES? The man is almost 50! He looks amazing. So what if he's had a little sculpting help from the can of bronzer carried around by the Testy Broaders on set. The funniest thing about his look - and oh I nearly wept tears of hysteria when I spotted this - are the Revolver tattoos pointing to his love gun. Oh Tom.
But still... would you? Are you looking at him in a whole new BAD light?