We shouldn't admit that we sometimes feel a little, we'll say, delicate, after a night out but hey, sometimes we do. When our heads are fuzzy the only think that can relieve the fog is an ice cold can of Coke.
It has to be in a can. There's something about, we dunno, the tin, that helps us feel a bit better. Or, like, maybe it's all the sugar.
So in shocking news today, it was revealed that the Coke can will be utterly redesigned! The design is intended to bring all flavours in line and make them appear more similar to one another.
Here they are.
Apparently, the move was prompted by consumer information - or lack thereof. It's been reported that five out of every ten customers were unaware that Coke Zero had no calories or sugar. It says it on the can and it's in the name, but whatever.
As for newcomer Coke Life, that's been given a new look. We haven't tasted it yet, but we hear it's sorta OK. Perfect for St. Patrick's Day.
The redesign will take place across Europe, including here at home, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and the UK.
So what do you think? Does the design make a difference? Do you drink Coke anyway? Do you have a favourite that you won't replace. For the record, we watched our friend drink about 5 cans of Diet Coke in a row last Sunday, but it was OK she used a straw. To the comments!