Discretion is Yer Only Man at Nue Blue Eriu

Nue Blue EriuOh girls, you know how it is. Your nethers are in a terrible state and you need to book that waxing appointment, but your boss might hear you doing it! Aaaaiieee! Plus, which one of us would ever abuse the phone and e-mail systems at work for personal use? Oh not a one of us, ahem.
So what do you do? Do you continue to look like Gorilla Woman for ever more, or do you find a way around the dilemma?

Oh you do, with the help of Nue Blue Eriu's innovative booking system. They say they're certain that they've got "the world's first interactive therapy booking system, akin to that of an airline reservation system". Technology and beauty colliding? Oh we like the sound of that. The booking engine was over 2 years in the making, and it "allows you to book your treatments from our menu of over 140 different ones (and increasing all the time) without ever needing to mutter the words "brazilian" or "bikini" in hushed tones during the office lunchbreak, or worse when you're trying to pass off your essential beauty booking requirements as a business call!".


Amazing! Thank you in excelsis, Nue Blue Eriu, as you have made the quest for beauty that little bit easier!

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