Diet Diaries: Our Beauty Editor takes on the gruelling diet all the celebs are doing

For my whole life, I have eaten really badly. I'm a carb junkie and I also love sweet things. The combination isn't the healthiest thing for you in the long run.

Lucky for me, I have always had jobs where I was on my feet all day long. So from a physical point of view, I could easily get away with eating that way without putting on a huge amount of weight. But as for cellulite and constant brain fog - now that's a different story.

The September before last, I started to work for and it was the first time in my life that I had to sit at a desk day after day. Over the course of a year, I went from being 7 stone to 9 stone. Keep in mind that I'm only 5'1.

So, after I got engaged in September and drank all the prosecco and ate my way through Christmas, I finally knew come January it was time that I finally addressed the weight I had put on over the past year.

A fellow beauty editor recommended a new diet that had worked for her: the Anne Rossi Corrective Body Therapy.

  • What is it?

Corrective Body Therapy is a revolutionary solution to the problem of excessive weight and poor body shape. This programme is medically designed and supervised and produces amazing results for those suitably motivated to loose weight. It is in essence, a ketogenic diet. It's not unlike the Atkins Diet except he allowed too many fats and sugars to suitably convert the body to produce ketones (a process in which the body is fooled into burning the fat storage as energy instead of food), so only proteins and non-carbohydrate vegetables are allowed in your diet.


Sounds tough, but do not despair, the protein supplements are surprisingly delicious. They range from soups, fruit drinks, hot chocolates and savoury meals including cottage pie, chilli con carne and vegetarian options for the non-carnivores. For the sweet tooth, there are puddings, chocolate bars and, yes, bread!

The programme comprises of five stages in the weight loss to the maintenance.  You will be given a phase depending on the weight loss you want to achieve, decided by you and the therapist on your first visit. Your weight and BMI will be calculated and your programme will commence.

That's the nutritional bit, next is the also very important body contouring, as skin will become loose and slack as the pounds shift. The body contouring therapy is a number of weekly treatments for skin and connective tissue using specialised equipment called "endermologie".

  • Who is it for?

This therapy is suitable for almost anyone who wishes to lose weight, but if there are any medical conditions underlying, it is best to discuss this with your doctor (a leaflet will be given to explain this programme to them). Your health will be monitored for blood pressure and a health check will be carried out each week to your general well being.

I will be documenting each week of my specific programme to let you know all about how I get on. You will see me at my worst, and I promise to document it all along the way through video and articles!


You can either follow me or join me. Good luck to all taking the weight loss challenge; may the force of weight loss be with you.

For all those interested you will be happy to know that when you quote "Beaut" at the Anne Rossi Clinic you will get a free consultation.

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