"Cattle class, that's how we treat them. No better then the cheap bastards who book with Ryanair.
"Herd them in, herd them out, try to get them to sign up for a course of treatment and that's it. if the're late for their appointment we're delighted - then we can tell them to f**k off"
I was talking on the phone to a very unpleasant man who runs a chain of salons. There was someone else in the room with me and I waved them over so we could both listen, mouths agape.
"G****n, B****Deals, aggressive bastards the lot of them. They make all the money, we make nothing, nothing. And you get these jumped up scabby bastards coming in to the salon expecting full service. Well they don't get it - and I don't know anyone who treats them well"
"But why" I tried to interject "Do you keep on using them then? Surely they're doing something for you in terms of advertising"
"F**k all" he said. "That's why I'm coming to you"
Yeah right I thought. I'd had dealings with him before and this man likes to complain - as you can see - and then never pays. It would be a cold day in hell before Beaut.ie ever worked with him again.
But the problem is that I've heard this same story from a lot of salon owners, laser clinics, spas and the like. They openly admit to treating people coming on a Deal as a lower form of life. Their therapists are actually told not to bother giving proper service and to get them out as quickly as possible. Most deals are in fact for salons and beauty treatments and if people get bad treatment they won't go back. The whole thing seems counterproductive to me, but a whole wave of resentment has built up among the salon industry towards these deals. They like the promotion, but they hate actually having to deliver.
Deals sites make an incredible amount of money. Groupon are worth billions. But has the shine faded from these deals - or have you found them to be as good as ever.
Please tell us your honest experiences - good or bad - in the comments.