Thanks to the Current Economic Climate, offers websites like City Deals and Boards Deals have sprung up in Ireland offering punters the chance to avail of treatments and services at massive discounts. One of the biggest sources of income for sites like these seems to be beauty bargains. There are lots of different ones abounding, but basically it's the sort of thing where you get a facial, waxing and nails (for example) rolled into a package for half the price - or more - it'd normally cost.
Sounds excellent, eh? Except is it, really? Half price is only a good deal if the service and result are excellent, but increasingly we're hearing from you lot in comments and anecdotally that the experience often isn't quite living up to the hype. Overbooked salons, difficulty in getting an appointment, a slap-dash finish and pissed off staff not wanting to give the same service for such a reduced return are all common complaints.
Ladies - is it deal, or no deal? Have you taken advantage of any cheap beauty deals from any of these sites? If so, how have you gotten on?