Dame Helen Mirren, also known as an all-round legend and one of the greatest celebrities we've had the pleasure of interviewing, has spoken out in support of Kim Kardashian and body-positivity, in a way that only confirms why we adore her so; she is unashamedly candid and she doesn't give a hoot what anybody thinks.
In an interview with The Telegraph, this Oscar-winning actress spoke candidly about how times have changed and, in her view, they've changed for the better. Women in 2016, she believes, should not require permission to do whatever it is they please with their bodies, whether that's taking a naked selfie or releasing a book filled with variations on your perfect pout.
The 70-year-old actress gives some context for today's audience: “When I was growing up, it was thought to be unbelievably sluttish to even have a bra strap showing. Everything was about women conforming. I love shameless women. Shameless and proud!”
She continued, "Women were controlled by being shamed. I love women who have claimed their own bodies: Madonna, Chrissie Hynde, Joan Jett, Bonnie Raitt. I love Pussy Riot more than anything in the world. They all raise their middle fingers to this epithet of ‘slut’. They wear what they want to wear, behave as they want to behave.'"
"I’m not into the Kardashians, it’s a phenomenon I just don’t find interesting, but – and this is the big word: B-U-T-T – it’s wonderful that you’re allowed to have a butt nowadays... Thanks to Madame Kardashian, and before her, J-Lo. We’re also allowed to have thighs now, which is great too. It’s very positive."
Helen Mirren for Queen, please.