At times you can't help roll your eyes at the endless list of TV shows being revived right now for nostalgia purposes. Except when it's CRYSTAL mother truckin' MAZE!
The classic show is set to return for a one-off big-budget celebrity special on Channel 4 in October as part of the Stand Up To Cancer charity programming. According to The Sun, it it proves a ratings winner, a full series will follow.
They're also hoping to convince former Doctor Who David Tennant to host the show, how perfect would that be? There's always been a bang of Richard O'Brien off him.
A TV insider said: "Even two decades after it last aired, there are very few shows that have been as magical and action-packed as The Crystal Maze. It is still remembered extremely fondly today.
"Channel 4 are hoping to tap into that nostalgia and believe viewers will jump at the chance to finally take on the show’s adventurous challenges themselves."
Eh, yeah we will. Just tell us where to sign up.
Crystal Maze ran from 1990-1995 and at its height, it was one of the most popular shows on Channel 4, bringing in between four and six million viewers.
For those that never watched, here's a taster.