Oh beloved Dragons Den you are back on BBC!* With my favourite not-so-secret crush Duncan Bannatyne on board, curling his lip and scowling at every pitch.
"He's an absolute ride" I confided to friends. Who firstly fell about laughing, but then confessed that they felt the same.
On thing we were agreed on though - his hair has taken a disturbing downturn this series. Has he discovered a straightening iron - or has his can of Elnett run out? As everyone valued their companies at ridiculous amounts his sneer became positively painful - and then the anti wrinkle contraption appeared.
Looking exactly like the devices that were in vogue in the 1920s to straighten out your forehead furrows, all were agreed that this would not work. At all. Deborah Meadon spluttered with giggles as she declined to invest and Peter Jones tried on the line smoothing cap but was not convinced.
"I'm out" said Duncan, adding "I like your suit" as the hapless inventor hurried down the stairs.
Duncan - I knew you'd notice that! When are the pitches to become your new secretary happening?
*Am not similarly enthused by the Irish version alas