Don't worry, it was all above board and above eye level. Thankfully.
Conan O'Brien had a visit from manscaping fairy Kristin Chenoweth on his show last night, and it went from a slot talking about Broadway and other showbiz things to instant regret for O'Brien pretty fast.
Chenoweth, apparently known for her prowess in eyebrow maintenance amongst her male friends, was challenged to groom Conan's ginger brows which looked fine to us but apparently left a lot to be desired. Enter Chenoweth's pincers and a whole lot of tears from Conan. Let's just be glad it didn't go in a 40-Year-Old Virgin direction.
Ladies, prepare to feel vindicated. Men, cower in fear that someone will get a bright idea and decide to do this to you.
Have you ever cried during a hair removal procedure? Should more men be put through this pain?