Ah listen. The second poor old Kim K stepped off a plane without her customary one million layers of contouring and highlighter the lenses of the world's paparazzi eagerly alighted on a blemish.
It was such a striking sight it almost pushed the Kate Middleton-morning sickness news off the front pages - but not for long. Soon everyone was chuckling over Kim's "shame" and "blemished face".
Oh for gods sake. The poor girl is probably run down - and personally I think Kanye had something to do with it. Well I don't know that for a fact of course, but I just like to blame him for everything unfortunate and douchebag related.
But cold sores remain a clear and present danger for many of us, particularly in the winter months and if you're a chronic sufferer they can make your life an absolute misery. We've often discussed them on Beaut.ie - with solutions such as diet, Lycopene supplements and the relative merits of various over the counter remedies like Zovirax and Compeed all being put forward. Read some great tips here.
What are you finding works for you if you're a cold sore sufferer? I really think we should try to help Kim out with our collective wisdom here!