Christmas movies are an integral part of getting into the holiday spirit. And we are feeling extra festive today! Here are our top eight movies to watch this December.
Christmas movies are something we all grew up watching and still love here at Beaut HQ. From sweet all-time classics to irreverent comedies, there's something for everyone out there. So whether you're a sucker for a love story, want a good giggle or to shed a little tear we have you covered.
Today, we're looking through some of our favourite Christmas movies for the holiday season.
Home Alone
What would childhood have been without the antics of Kevin McAllister? Home Alone often tops the lists of all-time best Christmas movies and after rewatching it over many, many years we can see why.
As feel good, Christmas comedies go, this is definitely one of our favourites. Will Ferrel plays the adopted elf, who tries to make his way in the real world after leaving Santa's workshop to find his real father.
The Snowman
A beautiful story that every child and adult will love. The snowman is a classic animation that will bring a little tear to your eye.
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Every year without fail this is one of the Christmas movies on our TV at home. It's funny, heartwarming and makes us smile every time.
Love Actually
Funnily enough, this is often considered a love/hate kind of film. It's a bit cheesy but during the holidays there's nothing quite like a heartwarming love story. And this offers it up in multiples!
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Remembering that I have the day off... ??? #scrooged #movie #billmurray #movielife
Bill Murray is brilliant in the dark comedy Scrooged. If you're in need of a good laugh, with a twist this is the movie for you.
The Grinch
Jim Carrey was totally transformed to play the Grinch in this classic Doctor Seuss tale. It's a little odd, but in all the right ways.
Die Hard
Ok, this barely qualifies as a Christmas Movie bar the inclusion of a few decorations at the beginning! But, if you're not into traditional films, this is a fun alternative.
Did we miss any of your favourites? Let us know your top picks down in the comments!