It seems like it's been one of the most discussed and analysed breakups in the history of the universe and we hoped it had no more to give and Cheryl could finally get some peace and move on. But sadly it looks like that's not going to happen just yet. Cheryl has revealed that in order to try to get over her break up with Ashley Cole she got the doctor to give her vitamin injections in her bum to perk her up. Unfortunately it didn't work and in her new autobiography even Cherdiddle acknowledges that.
Well, of course it didn't work. Everyone knows the only way to get over an ex is to go out with your friends, get locked, text your ex at 3am and then end up going round to theirs for drunken sex, only to sidle home the next morning secure in the knowledge that the relationship is actually over. Another answer is a bucket of ice-cream, some weepy movies and a good wallow. Culminating in getting locked, texting your ex at 3am and ... well, you get the jist.
A friend of mine always gave herself one month, and one month only, after the end of a relationship to feel hurt and angry and heartbroken and then she would put it behind her and move on; another pal used to go away for a night or two and treat herself to some nice food or a nice hotel with some beauty treatments to cheer herself up.
Time is the best healer though isn't it? It's hard and it's horrible but if you're going through a breakup time is the best way to get over any sort of misery.
How about you, readers? What are your foolproof, failsafe methods for getting over a heartbreak? Any tips or tricks?