Cheryl Cole mimes during X Factor Performance and has another red rinse with L'Oreal Feria

As soon as her routine on Sunday's X Factor was finished the Internet was ablaze with indignation that Cheryl had lip-synced for most of her performance. Well actually it was ablaze during her performance too. And the tabloids were on the case the next day. "Cheryl mimes during sexy performance!" they shrieked. Well to be honest, the live performance of Katy Perry the week before had probably frightened the life out of Cheryl. That kind of tuneless singing does no one's career any good. And in the name of god and all that's holy, who on earth could carry a tune while tearing around the stage like a maniac in a tutu?

Better off miming Cheryl pet.

But anyway, zebra tights aside (which actually looked good on her) I was mesmerised by The Hair. Still red, but a darker red which suits her better. And she's toned down her lipstick so the whole look is working a lot better.


And obviously her 'girls' were loving the new red hair. Bravely defying the mess home hair colour makes in the bathroom (non drip my backside) and the ruination of towels, the rest of Cheryl's girls went ahead and hurried to the chemist to pick up the latest fashion shades. It was a purple rinse for Cher (or Chair as Kirstie insists on calling her), red streaks for TreyC and a deep rouge for Rebecca. Only annoying Katie bucked the trend and stuck to her wiry blond-with-roots 'do.

NEXT WEEK ON THE X FACTOR: Louis gets a copper rinse and more botox; Dannii terrified that she's not getting enough attention gets extensions down to her arse and goes redder than red; Wagner finally gets the boot

UPDATE: the actual product and shade Cheryl uses is Casting Crème Gloss Mahogany 550 - straight from L'Oreal HQ, that is.

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