Charity Donations At Christmas: Let's Give Back

For every schlieveen fumbling in the greasy till, and adding the halfpence to the pence in order to top up their salary, there are charities who work tirelessly to make a difference to the lives of others.

There are people who give their time, energy, hearts and minds to make this world a better place. And while money is tight at the moment for everyone, Christmas is often a time we dig a little deeper into our pockets, or behind the couch, and find some coins to donate to our favourite causes.

Even if all you have is a euro to spare, then let's get behind those charitable organisations that are hanging on by a thread and show them that they are not alone. As they do for so many who need their help.


The charity that is foremost in my mind is the St. Vincent de Paul for the stellar work they do in supporting those in poverty and in need. They are often the first port of call for those in trouble, and this is such a busy time of year for them. The Simon Community and Focus Ireland are also hugely important in the battle to end homelessness. And God knows, we are all but a catastrophe and some bad luck away from needing to contact these organisations.


The other cause that is close to my heart is Animal Heaven Animal Rescue, AHAR. I follow their story closely and the love and care they show to animals who have suffered cruelty, horrific abuse and abandonment often leave me with a tear in my eye and a sick feeling in my stomach.

If you can, please donate this Christmas to whatever charity is closest to your heart. We'd love you to tell us what charity you will be gathering your coins for and please feel free to leave links in the comments to highlight that charity.

When Yeats wrote September 1913, did he think that in one hundred years it would still be as relevant as it ever was? The marrow is almost dried from the bones of this country. But while we fight to transform, let's take care of those who need it.

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