Celebrity Scissorhands

steve scissorhandsI am loving, loving, LOVING this show.

If you don't have BBC3 you probably won't have seen it, but the premise behind Celebrity Scissorhands is that a load of celebrities (and this is the loosest possible usage of this word I have ever encountered) compete against each other in a studio got up to look like a salon in order to win the dubious honour of doing hair and makeup for all the actual stars who will be taking part in the BBC Children in Need Appeal Night on Friday 17 November.

The very funny Alex Zane is presenting the show in his usual piss-taking style, and taking part are celeb hairdresser Lee Stafford (mmm, handsome!) who is managing the salon, and contestants such as Steve Strange, who was immediately christened 'The New Wave Ozzy Osbourne' in our house, due to his vacant, stumbling drug-casualty style demeanour. Richard Fairbrass, who is too sexy to have any hair is also taking part, as is Rowetta, Darren 'Love Rat' Day, Sarah Cawood and some other people I have never heard of, or really didn't consider to be celebrities.

You can view things like Steve Strange savaging some poor girls barnet, Sarah Cawood throw an benny over a haircut, and see Caprice have a facial while wearing her shades. Ok, I might have exaggerated that last bit.

If this sounds like the sort of thing you'd absolutely love, then breath a sigh of relief because from Sunday 12th November you can also watch highlights on BBC 1. Thank the Lord!


Update: Requests for Lee Stafford Pictures have been taken seriously, oh yes:

lee stafford

also check out his website, which has some unintentionally funny Zoolander style Blue Steel type pictures on it.

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