Reports have been circulating this morning regarding a gunman who opened fire at a Lafayette cinema, The Grand Theatre, during a screening of Trainwreck. He killed three people, injuring seven others.
Twitter was quick to react to the news, mostly to discuss America's gun laws. Meanwhile, the star and writer of Trainwreck, Amy Schumer, had this to say.
My heart is broken and all my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Louisiana.
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) July 24, 2015
Sam Smith, who is currently touring America, said...
ANOTHER shooting. What is happening. So sad. Thoughts are with the family's of those injured and killed x
— SAM SMITH (@samsmithworld) July 24, 2015
The Donald offered his condolences
Thoughts & prayers with everyone in Lafayette, Louisiana this evening.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2015
While Will Garson (you may recall him as Sex And The City's Stanford Blatch) added...
Ok? Can we stop blaming our "content" and focus on mental health and gun availability? Prayers to Lafayette....#heartbreaking
— Willie Garson (@WillieGarson) July 24, 2015
Came back to the hotel and saw the devastating news about the shooting in Lafayette. Sending my thoughts and prayers to all involved.
— John Green (@johngreen) July 24, 2015
I'm a few miles from Columbine and Aurora, Colorado, praying for those in #Lafayette after horrific theatre shooting. #AmericaNeedsRevival
— Joel C. Rosenberg (@JoelCRosenberg) July 24, 2015
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spotlight the victims the helpers the EMTs IGNORE THE SHOOTER treat him like the insect he is PLEASE #Louisiana
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) July 24, 2015
My heart and prayers go out to those in Louisiana affected by the shooting tonight. As a nation we NEED to rise above the violence.
— Tamera Mowry-Housley (@TameraMowryTwo) July 24, 2015
Via Uproxx / UK.Eonline.com