Calm down, calm down. It's not for me, but if you're a regular blatherer you can't have failed to notice that a good few of Beaut.ie's regulars have either recently had or are having babies. One of our most stalwart supporters, Tina, asked on Twitter yesterday if we could do a post on the best bodycare buys for pregnancy.
I have to confess, I am definitely not an expert in this area. I can point towards Trilogy's Rosehip oil as a good product for stretchmarks, but I'm at sea with what else product-wise might be good, what supplements might be helpful to take and whether, in fact, the dreaded silvery marks can even be avoided at all as your bump expands.
So, if you've had a baby or you've currently got a bun in the oven, we want your product recommendations for our brood of breeding Beaut.ies (an alliteration too far?).
What's good, what's crap and what's so-so? Rate 'em all here.