Blue Ivy breaks into Bey's makeup, wears ALL the things

I would like to apply for the position of Blue Ivy's godmother. I'm not great on the catechism side of it but I buy really thoughtful gifts and I'd be happy to bring her to Tayto Park or the like whenever she wanted. Also, we have a similar skill level in applying black eyeliner.

Little Blue Ivy has been showing off her make up skills in a pic that Beyoncé has uploaded to her Instagram.

Bey has been giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of Coldplay's 'Hymn for the Weekend' music video on her social media account, posting some beautifully colourful pics.


A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on


The vivid shades in this one make me want to live in a colouring book.




A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on


But the real star is her four-year-old daughter Blue Ivy Carter, trying on her lipgloss and doing some crazy liner.


A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on


I particularly like the gems on her forehead. It reminds of something I did in the late '90s that I no longer want to talk about. But you can read all about it here if you want to know my shame.



Do you have a little one who likes to break into your make up stash? And tell the truth, do they create cooler looks than you?

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