Just when we thought we had heard the last of Big Brother for a while, there's news today that a celebrity All-Stars show is on the way, don't worry though, it won't be until 2017.
The show would see previous Celebrity Big Brother housemates return to a series that will be called "Gold Stars vs New Stars", with former controversial celebs like Katie Hopkins, Perez Hilton and of course Stephen Bear, likely to return.
A source told the Daily Star: “It’s a genius idea that has never been done before.
“Channel 5 wants to do a show that gives a nod to the past but also has a fresh edge with new people too."
Well it sort of has been done before back in 2010 when Channel 4 marked their time airing the series with an All-Star show with regular housemates that Irish contestant Brian Dowling managed to win.
Another source told the Daily Star; "Bringing back the celebs they know will cause the drama would result in the most explosive series so far.
"Usually celebrity housemates brag about how controversial and confrontational they’ll be while being screened by producers before going in, but then nothing happens.
"This way they’ll be no dull moments as they know who’ll be worth their fee."
This is true, but all those explosive personalities in one room? That house may just self-combust.