Bianca Bree Van Damme - Daughter of Jean Claude - Kicks Ass Like a Girl!

It's taken far too long, but finally it seems that society is appreciating the fact that women can be tough and powerful and well, womanly, all at the same time.

Bianca Bree Van Damme, must have inherited the fighting gene from her dad Jean Claude - this video shows that she is more than a dab hand at kicking and punching and twirling around mightily in the air (that's a flying kick by the way!) (Via BroBible

We think that women should do exactly what they want to stay fit and strong, whether it's Pilates, weight training, MMA, a long walk to and from work - whatever. It has been such a shame that women with muscles have been ridiculed in the past for - what reason? - however, slowly but surely opinions on what you should and shouldn't do according to your gender are broadening.

Bianca with her pops Jean Claude Bianca with her pops Jean Claude

We say hurray to any woman who dares to kick-ass whether in the physical sense or with words and actions. Are you impressed with Bianca Bree's fighting skills? Are you an action woman too? Let us know in the comments!


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