Lets all look for a moment at this picture of Louise Eternal/Nurding/Redknapp. A naturally slim size 8 anyway, it's obvious she doesn't need to lose any weight whatsoever. Which is why apparently she was chosen to undertake the grueling challenge of slimming to a size zero. Programme makers reckoned that Louise was happy and confident with her figure and wouldn't suffer any longterm psychological damage as a result of the task. But were they right to think this?
Let's step back a bit and think about the whole reality of size zero. It's mad. It's an Irish size 4. It's a 22 inch waist. It's about fitting into a pair of jeans that the average 8 year old wears. Rachel Zoe, the super skinny Hollywood stylist is widely credited with bringing this trend to its present aspirational status. She styled starlets like Lindsey Lohan and Nicole Richie and while she denies any influence in their rapid shrinking, it's clear that she had some influence.
Louise Redknapp had a terrible experience in her quest for size zero. She was on less then 800 calories a day and taking vigorous exercise. She suffered from weakness, insomnia, irritability, felt ill, her skin became dreadful - all the first symptoms of malnutrition and starvation in other words.
But the worst thing was, even she, secure in herself, a mature woman with strong body confidence, found the whole thing strangely addictive. She was disturbed to find that she was enjoying losing weight and getting thinner. See how she got on tonight on The Truth About Size Zero on ITV at 9pm - and tell us what you think about the whole thing.