The case of Kylie Jenner's lips has been one of the more befuddling issues of 2014. While lip injection rumours did the rounds, they were swiftly shot down by The Family. Apparently, the only thing thin-lipped ladies need to plump up their kissers with is lipliner. Well who'd a thunk it? (Hmmm...)
Anyway, thanks to Us Weekly who have discovered a gif chronicling Kylie's lip evolution, we can chronicle what happened to the littlest Jenner's lips in the space of a year. Here's to 2015! She turns 18 this year, so we shudder to contemplate the fate of her face now that she doesn't essentially have to get mom Kris to OK her decisions.

If this is lipliner alone, it's a very good job. Doing it every single day and night must be hard work though. Even if her real lips are still under there somewhere, the fact that she can't go without big smackers makes us wonder if she's on her way to permanent big lipped glory.
Do you think she looks better with a full pout? Is it a bit sad that she's obviously incredibly caught up on her appearance? Do you enhance / disguise your features with makeup and would you go under the knife to permanently alter your face? To the comments we go!