Baby Botox: 8 is age to start worrying about those lines and wrinkles


Skin of an 8 year old before and after home botox by mother

One of the questions we're frequently asked is at what age should people start to think about including anti ageing products in their regime.

Well now we can give you the answer.  At age eight.


Disgusting as it sounds, mother of one of those American beauty pageant kids, Sheena Upton, admitted on Good Morning America that she injects her eight year old daughter with botox.  And that wasn't the first time we'd heard that either.  In March, Birmingham mother Kerry Campbell told us that she injects her beauty pageant daughter Britney (also aged eight) with botox she buys over the internet.  She also waxes her.  The child naturally enough has no body hair - but Kerry hopes that it will stop any hair from ever growing in the first place.

So eight seems to be the age that lines and wrinkles begin to set in.  Funny - I thought it was closer to TWENTY eight.

We've talked about Human Barbie (Sarah Burge, so called because she holds the record for having the most plastic surgery ever) injecting her fifteen year old daughter with Botox - but at eight?  This is a new low.

Child beauty pageants are sick and wrong at the best of times.  Those little kids plastered in makeup, hairsprayed to within an inch of their life and forced to perform by pushy parents when they should be out playing  is just so bafflingly berserk.  Sexualizing  children by dressing them up in high heels, bikinis and tiaras, getting them to pout and wiggle for the cameras, bleaching their hair platinum blonde and spray tanning them is mind bogglingly crazy.

Sheena Upton's little girl has been removed from her by Child Protection and she's now claiming that the whole Botox story was a hoax.  Well she would say that wouldn't she?


But no one believes you Sheena.  And no one was laughing.

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