Usually these Apprentice contestants would step over each other's bodies for a place in the final, but not Scott Saunders, who last night became the first contestant on the winning team to leave the show of his own accord without hearing the dreaded 'You're fired' from Lord Sugar.
It seems Saunders had come to the realisation that he would not want to actually work with Lord Sugar so it wouldn't be fair on the others to continue.
One of the complaints Saunders has was that they barely saw their boss; "It would have been nice to see him a little bit more, maybe a more personal side to him," he said. "A business is 50-50. We only saw him when he gives you the tasks and in the boardroom."
Last night also saw the sacking of Selina Waterman-Smith, and as usual some heated words in the board room, which Saunders had been apart of, although he insists that wasn't behind his reason to leave.
"I was slightly upset with my performance and some of the comments made at the time, but it didn't feel right to go ahead because I didn't want the investment from Lord Sugar," Saunders explained. "I don't think we wanted to work together and it was clear on both sides."
He continued: "I hadn't decided I was leaving at any point up until I made the decision.
"It wasn't out of haste, it was calculated. Lord Sugar had to speak to the other team so I had time to decide what I wanted, but it's a decision which I don't regret and I'm still happy with what I've done."
Although, he was the first off the winning team to leave, he's not the first ever to leave the show off his own bat. Katie Hopkins quit in 2006 and Raleigh Addington left in 2010 after his brother was wounded in Afghanistan.
Hard not to admire Saunders for his honesty and no doubt he will have plenty of investors lining up to go into business with him after this.
I'd like to thank everyone for the support up to now. I have no regrets and stand by my decision. #theapprentice ðŸ'Â
— Scott Saunders (@Scott_Saunders_) December 2, 2015