Shriek! Look at my new Rock God manicure!
If there's one absolutely favourite cheese fest thing I love on the telly at the moment it is of course Pineapple Dance Studios. But it's not Louis Spence I tune in for.
It's Andrew Stone. The man who hasn't changed his look since the Eighties.
I frickin love Andrew Stone! His massive ego! His self delusion! His refusal to believe that his band Starman is actually shit!
He is an enigma, wrapped in a riddle tied up in a mystery. What is is his age? - cos he sure ain't tellin. He tried to pretend he was in his twenties for a while but that one just wasn't working at all. What is his sexual orientation? Despite music industry insiders breaking their asses laughing at the thought of him being straight (he's as camp as knickers) perhaps he's just misunderstood?
His style: black nail varnish, blonde bouffant, scarves, black vests, leather biker jacket and black eyeliner. In fact everything that was last seen on Spandau Ballet. In the Eighties. Andrew's duet with David Van Day was pure telly gold and the power struggles with stunning Limerick lady Rosalee (who was much better than him in the band) were classic.
You just know that Andrew is an advertisers dream. Any man product that is advertised he will be rushing out to buy. Manscara, moisturiser, guyliner- and especially black nail varnish - he's got em all I'm sure.
So what do you think? Love Andrew and just dearly wish he would update his look? Or love him the way he is and think it would be madness to change.
Or perhaps you're wondering who the hell he is.
To the comments and let us know!