The latest Sexiest Man Alive list from People Magazine is out, and you'll probably agree with the winner.
Every year, People Magazine creates a list of sexy men and no one seems to mind. Sure, it's only a bit of objectification. Anyway, this year's Sexiest Man Alive has just been announced and, putting personal objections aside, I don't think anyone will argue with the winner.
For this year's Sexiest Man Alive is...
Idris Elba.
Hubba Hubba, amirite? He looks happy enough with his crown to, so it's all ok. At least he got to keep his top on! And I must say, he is rocking that cardi.
Last year's winner was Blake Sheldon (Mr Gwen Stefani but country music star in his own right and member of The Voice USA judging panel). He's sexy enough, some would say, but not sexy enough, many others said. There had never been a more divisive winner than, I don't know, Trump.
Idris Elba is People's 33rd Sexiest Man Alive. The first was Mel Gibson, then 29, back in 1985. Previous winners (from the last decade) have included The Rock, David Beckham, Chris Hemsworth, Adam Levine, Channing Tatum, Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds. Johnny Depp won twice, in 2003 and 2009. So did George Clooney, in 1997 and 2006. As did Brad Pitt in 1995 and 2000. AND so did Richard Gere in 1999 and with Cindy Crawford as Sexiest Couple in 1993). One of our own, Pierce Brosnan, won in 2001.
So, do you agree with this year's choice? Is Idris Elba your dream man? If I was giving the awards this year, I might have given Bradley Cooper a second go...