I am about to embark on a fitness journey for the next number of weeks which will see me cover all types of exercise in an attempt to figure out simply, which ones cut the mustard and which ones don’t.
Following on from Week 1 of my fitness journey where I endured possibly the toughest Pilates session EVER (I couldn't cough for about 5 days), Week 2 brought me to Fit Studios in Fairview where I took part in a TRX session.
I'm sure many of you have heard of TRX but some may not be entirely sure as to what it actually is and what it involves. Basically, the TRX suspension system is a workout that leverages gravity and your bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises. It is typically hung from a point in the ceiling but the strap mechanism can be adjusted, manoeuvred and is so light, it can be hung from any point indoors or out, strong enough to support your bodyweight.
The beauty of TRX is that you're in control of how much you want to challenge yourself on each exercise because you can simply adjust your body position to add or decrease resistance at any time.
Similarly to the Pilates Reformer, TRX boasts many of the same benefits in that it's designed to help build a rock-solid core, it increases muscular endurance and is an effective total body workout by simply utilising your own bodyweight. By simple adjustments of the body in order to add or decrease resistance TRX thus benefits people of all fitness levels.
I put a call out on social media asking where the best TRX classes were in Dublin and Fit Studios in Fairview came highly recommended. I got in touch with them and made an appointment with one of the personal trainers, Warren, to have a one-on-one TRX session.
I purely chose a one-on-one session so he could take his time explaining the benefits of each exercise without disturbing a class full of people but in future I will be taking the regular classes. Taking a TRX class ensures a total-body workout in that you can exercise every part of your body with just the one piece of equipment similar to the Pilates Reformer.
Warren took me through the basics from simple squats to press ups, tricep curls to planking and various other leg, arm and all over body exercises testing my physical capability in terms of body weight resistance. I wouldn't want anybody to be put off if they feel as though TRX is out of their depth.
Warren took me through the basics from simple squats to press ups, tricep curls to planking and various other leg, arm and all over body exercises testing my physical capability in terms of body weight resistance. I wouldn't want anybody to be put off if they feel as though TRX is out of their depth. In some pictures I look as though I'm doing nothing yet probably in excruciating pain but in others I look like I'm in the most difficult, awkward positions yet they were quite easy to get into.
There were times when I found a particular exercise too difficult and Warren showed me simple manoeuvres that made it possible to continue. TRX really is an exercise suitable for all types of fitness levels beginners or advanced in that it's adaptable to your own fitness capability. It is definitely one I would recommend if you are looking to try something new!
Have you tried anything like this before? Would you be interested in giving it a try? Do you try to find new, exciting ways to stay fit or are you happy with a stroll and maybe a bit of aerobics?