Adele's is fast turning into Ed Sheeran when it comes to aiding proposals. Two weeks ago, she helped a couple in Belfast get engaged, and last night - in her native London (she's doing a 7 night residency) she "spotted" a couple in the crowd who looked like they were mid proposal pop and insisted they come up onstage.
While the audio is a bit ropy, here's a general jist of the conversation: "Come up here, you two... Did you just get engaged?! I thought there was a fight at first! I saw all of the camera-phone lights at first and then I saw arms went up and I saw sweet kissing... Thanks for doing that at my show. How did you hear him with me wailing away?"
By way of response, the obviously emotional bride-to-be said "It's our song." When Adele asked how long they'd been together, she answered "twelve-and-a-half-years." Well, It's all about choosing the right moment, innit!
Have you or would you like to be proposed to in public? Or could you think of nothing worse?