Felix Kiprono is a lawyer from Kenya who is in love with Malia Obama and wants to marry her, so he's decided to ask Barrack for her hand in marriage.
However, he's not going empty handed to the leader of the free world, rather he's throwing a sweet dowry into the mix, by offering the President 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats for the chance to get married to Malia.
He plans to try and meet Obama during his visit to Kenya in July of this year, and according to AfricanSpotlight.com, he's hoping he can convince Barack to bring Malia on the trip with him: "People might say I am after the family's money, which is not the case. My love is real. I am currently drafting a letter to Obama asking him to please have Malia accompany him for this trip. I hope the embassy will pass the letter to him. I will hand it over to the US".
A confident young man, Felix already has the proposal planned should he get the green light, saying "I will not resort to the cliché of popping champagne. Instead, I will surprise her with mursik, the traditional Kalenjin sour milk. As an indication that she is my queen, I will tie sinendet, which is a sacred plant, around her head". Confirming that the money is not his issue and that he really is in love with Malia, he added that "ours will be a simple life. I will teach Malia how to milk a cow, cook ugali and prepare mursik like any other Kalenjin woman".
Would an offer like this lure you away from the life you currently live (assuming you don't already know how to milk cows, cook ugali and prepare mursik.) Do you think Obama has a notion of taking his probably really freaked out daughter on the trip?