Kelly Oxford is a New York Times best-selling author, screenwriter and mum of three. But it's her conversations with her seven-year-old daughter Bea that have caught the imagination of Twitter of late.
This kid is going places.
7yr old "Do women get their periods on weekends too?"
Me "Yes"
7yr old mutters to herself "Jesus Christ"— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) November 20, 2015
7yo says things to shock me. She just said, "I'd like to go to heaven but you can't smoke weed there." I stayed cool, this will escalate.
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) March 17, 2016
7yr old daughter walked in the room, casually confirmed, "You have to have a backstory to why you're evil, right?" And walked out.
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) January 24, 2016
"I'm going to go on the Bachelor. If he's gross, I'll tell him & walk off. If they don't let me leave, I'll make him hate me." 7yo daughter
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) January 19, 2016
7yr old: Wait! Do animals make babies the same way people do??
Me: Yes.
7yr old, mutters: Oh my god.— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) November 28, 2015
Me: Look at the sunset; it's so pink.
7yr old Daughter: Please, don't take a picture.
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) October 20, 2015
If you've got a witty little one to rival Bea's words of wisdom, it's only fair you share that knowledge with us.