Is being more active and exercising one of your New Year's resolutions? Here are 6 ways you can include more of it into your daily life
1. Walk everywhere
The easiest way to be more active is to start walking more.
Use the stairs over a lift or escalator, if possible walk rather than drive to the shops.
2. Get a step tracker
Speaking of steps, a great way to become more active is to start using a step tracker device.
You can set yourself a daily step goal and this will give you the incentive to do more exercise in order for you to reach your daily goal.
If a friend or family member also has one a bit of healthy competition can be another great way to increase your daily activity.
3. Do at-home workouts
The idea of going to the gym or a workout class can be daunting for some, so if you're not a fan of them or they're just too expensive for you, why not try at-home workouts.
There are dozens of workout videos from trained professionals available on YouTube now, and you usually don't need a lot of space or any equipment for them.
4. Join a fun and active class with a friend
There's more than one way to get more exercise into your day. If traditional workouts aren't your thing maybe start going to a fun class with a friend.
Maybe you've always wanted to try out yoga, hip-hop dancing or pole dancing or maybe there's a local hiking group you could join.
Doing something fun with a friend is not only good for your health but also the perfect way to spend quality time together and make memories that don't just involve sitting around eating or drinking.
5. Walk around the office more
Working at a desk can limit the amount of activity you do during the day, however, there are little things you can do that will make a difference.
Rather than staying inside for your lunch break, give yourself even 10 minutes to go outside for a short walk. You could also do this during your morning break, who says you have to drink your coffee at your desk?
It's important that you get up and walk around every couple of hours. This is not only good for your health but it can also help wake you up and provide you with a little energy boost.
6. Give yourself an incentive
If there's something you've been wanting to get but can't justify buying it why not kill two birds with one stone and start saving a little bit of money towards it every time you exercise.
This means that if you exercise daily then you'll be closer to getting the item you've been lusting after and when you get it you'll feel like you deserved it.
I'd recommend the incentive isn't food-related as sometimes this can be counter-intuitive.