When it comes to Christmas you know the drill; chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose and more free time at home than you know what to do with. There's no better time to curl up with a good Box Set so you're lucky there's plenty of 'em knocking around this year.
Now, we know how difficult it can be to decide what to watch, especially when you've got the whole family to think about, so we've put our heads together and come up with this list of just ten box sets, both classic and current, to keep you and yours well and truly entertained this Christmas. And sure aren't they just the ticket when you're trying to beat the post-Christmas blues too?
- 1. Love/Hate
If you live in Ireland and haven't watched all the recent antics Nidge at this stage, then you'll definitely want to get your paws on the complete Love/Hate series. But do try and keep schtum until the cousins have had a chance to catch up, yeaaaah?
- 2. The Sopranos
The Sopranos is a perennial classic and the antithesis to the happy, pesky carollers….
- 3. Breaking Bad
Dubbed the best TV series of the decade, and indeed of all time, Breaking Bad finally came to an end last year so if you are a bit behind the curve, there's no better time to sit yourself down and watch Walter White's tale from beginning to end.
- 4. Friends
They were there for you when the rain started to fall and they can still be there for you this Christmas, as they were many Christmases before. The Friends box set is one of those you just can't go wrong with and with ten years worth of episodes there'll be more than enough episodes to get you through those post Christmas blues.
- 5. The Walking Dead
The Sheriff and co continue to reign supreme worldwide as zombie fever takes hold. Who would have thought that fella who couldn't win Keira Knightley's heart in Love, Actually would go on to take America by storm, eh?
- 6. Downton Abbey
We would watch Downton Abbey for the Dowager's one liners alone. That woman needs her own spin off show for 2015.
- 7. Sex and The City
An oldie but a goodie according to quite a few men and women, Sex and The City was one of those shows you either loved or loathed. Quite a few people loved it though, because six seasons and two movies later the show is still as popular among its fans as ever. If you or yours are missing this one it's a perfect addition to your box set collection.
- 8. The Big Bang Theory
Chuck Lorre and co are on to a winner with this series and lookit, don't we all fancy Wolowitz deep down? No? Ok, sorry...
- 9. Homeland
Sure how could you say no to a bit of Mandy Patinkin under the Christmas tree?
- 10. The West Wing
Now, if we're talking Christmas box sets we quite simply can't ignore The West Wing. Aaron Sorkin's smash hit political drama may be considered 'old' at this stage but that doesn't mean it ain't fairly fantastic. There's a reason Martin Sheen's name comes up during every US Presidential Election and this fantastic TV series is it. If you've watched it you'll want it and if you haven't, now's your chance to find out what all the fuss was (and is) about.
So tell us, what box set will you be settling down to inhale this year? Did Santa have something to say about it?