These are the ingredients to help ease eczema and psoriasis in winter

This is the time of year that psoriasis and eczema conditions will begin to rear their ugly heads again. Here are our top tips for beating them.

Sufferers of psoriasis and eczema dread this time after the summer when their painful annoying skin problems tend to flare up again. As the weather changes and the temperatures drop skin conditions change too. Our skin generally becomes more weather-beaten and affected in winter than in summer. It’s not just the temperature drop but the dry air and harsh conditions like wind and rain that affect our skin in winter. There are products you can use to help combat these skin conditions.

dry or dehydrated

Beware of the central heating

Another factor that causes flare-ups in skin conditions is the constant moving between heat and cold. There tends to be central heating on everywhere for the winter months. Each time your skin goes from outside inside and vice versa it gets tighter and drier. Blowing hot, dry air at your skin is definitely going to suck the moisture from it so try to stay away from heaters when your not freezing your tootsies off.


Favourable ingredients for eczema sufferers

If you suffer with eczema or other forms of dermatitis now is the time to actively start preventing them. There are certain things to look out for in products that will help ease the itching and dryness. Look for products that contain ceramides. Ceramides are naturally occurring in your skin. They are fats that protect your skin from environmental factors. Your ceramides are under attack from everyday stresses like the sun and weather conditions. If you use products containing ceramides they will help to reinforce your skin's barrier.

In the shower use body washes with a neutral PH. They will keep your skin balanced and maintain your natural barrier defences. Eczema and psoriasis creams will often have urea in them. It has been proven to help soothe the effects of the two skin conditions. Finally, if you get eczema or psoriasis on your face - which is a very common problem - then maybe switch to pure mineral makeup. Mineral makeup is less likely to clog your pores and irritate or dry out your skin.

What have you used to keep your winter skin conditions at bay?

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