I did tease a few of you earlier this week about today's competition and I think you'll agree it's rather fine: FIVE of you lucky bleeders will win One Hot Minute AND Brows-a-go-go. OH YES. Each prize is worth over €70!
So, what's what?
One Hot Minute is a designed to give a "gaze at me glow" - use it on face, shoulders, decollete and basically anywhere you want eyes to wander to, it's a rose-gold powder that I now really want, after typing that description. Brows-a-go-go is Benefit's new-gen brow kit and contains Brow Zings shaping powders, a tweezers, eye bright highlighter, brush and an eyeliner. Phew!
To be in with a chance to win, check after the cut.
THE QUESTION: Two-parter: when did I meet Benefit's founders? And which of their concealers do I really like?
HOW TO ENTER: Send us your two answers plus your NAME and FULL POSTAL ADDRESS to competitions@beaut.ie, marking your entry 'Benefit' in the subject line.
THE RULES: One entry per person; you must have an Irish postal address, north or south; there is no cash alternative and our decision is final. Entries must contain the stated entry line above to be included in the draw. The competition closes at 5pm on Friday 16th October 2009. We never share your details with any third party.