Back in March five of you lucky ladies won a month's worth of Power Plate sessions at BodySmart studios, who have four locations in Dublin, Galway and Meath.
It's my kind of workout: using vibration technology to exercise, develop muscle tone and increase flexibility, Power Plate can also provide extras like improved blood circulation, cellulite reduction and an ensuing general sense of well-being. Exercises are not strenuous (horray!) and are ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels.
And now, here's a chance for a further handful of you guys to get a chance to take advantage of Power Plate's buzzy ways, because BodySmart have given us another FIVE prizes of a full month of Power Plate sessions at any one of their studios. Whoo hoo!
Want to enter? Course you do.
UPDATE: Winners are available in the forums!
THE QUESTION: How much does a single Power Plate session cost at BodySmart studios?
HOW TO ENTER: Send your answer plus your NAME and FULL POSTAL ADDRESS plus MOBILE NUMBER to competitions@beaut.ie, marking you entry 'BodySmart'
THE RULES: One entry per person; you must have an Irish postal address (north or south); there is no cash alternative and our decision is final. The competition closes at 5pm on Friday 10th July 2009, and we never share your details with any third party.