WIN! NeoStrata Gift Kits!

Neostrata prizes

So what do you lucky lot get to have a chance at winning today then? NeoStrata Gift of Youth Christmas Boxes, no less. We've FIVE to give away, worth €38 a pop.

Inside you'll find a 40ml Bionic Face Cream, two NeoStrata Glycolic Treatment Peel sachets plus two 15ml travel sized NeoStrata Facial Cleansers with Gluconolatone.

All NeoStrata products are fragrance-free and chock-full of ingredients like AHAs,  Gluconolactone, vitamins and anti-oxidants, making them a great anti-ageing choice. We're fans - check out our posts on using their glycolic wash, and Lynnie's low-down on products for oily and acne-prone skin.

Want great skin for Christmas? Check after the cut for entry info.



THE QUESTION: Name one product in the Gift of Youth Christmas box (Hint: look above!)

HOW TO ENTER: Send us your NAME plus FULL POSTAL ADDRESS to Please mark your entry 'NeoStrata competition'.

THE RULES: One entry per person; you must have an Irish address, north or south; there is no cash alternative and our decision is final. Comp closes at 5pm on Friday 28th November 2008. We never share your details with any third party.

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