Yes indeedy - we've got more ModelCo tans of fabulousness to give away!
TEN of you will receive FULL SIZES of Body Meringue AND Spray Tan in a Can.
Want to win? Keep reading
THE QUESTION: How many of us stepped into the little pink tent at the ModelCo Launch? The answer is here
HOW TO ENTER: Send your answer, your full postal address and mobile no to competitions@beaut.ie and mark your entry ModelCo2.
THE RULES: One entry per person; you must have an Irish postal address (north or south); there is no cash alternative and our decision is final. The competition closes at 5pm on Friday 10th July 2009, and we never share your details with any third party.
Don't be frettin if you entered the previous comp - enter again now and increase your chances. Results of all ModelCo giveaways will be published on 25 July 2009.