Everyone loves chocolate, right? However, we’re all trying to get fit and healthy in 2018. Don’t worry! You can have both with Wyldsson.com
There’s a secret company that only sells online called Wyldsson. They make healthy taste delicious with an amazing range of snack and breakfast products. Think indulgent chocolate spread but without all that added sugar and junk. The Hazelnut & Cocoanut butter tastes unreal… real hazelnuts and cocoa. Yum.
Why is it healthy?
Spreads are full of sugar and palm oil, so they’ve created something better – a healthier version with no added oils or refined sugar and packed full of natural proteins. If you love a Snickers, you need to try their brand new Peanut & Chocolate ProMix. It has a hint of yummy chocolate, rich caramel from the date and a roasted peanut vibe. No junk, high fibre and packed with natural protein.
Oh, and all their products are plant-based making them suitable for vegans. A little extra bonus for people looking to eat healthier.
Wyldsson has given us a special chocolate lovers hamper to give away to a lucky reader. It includes a tub of Hazelnut & Cocoanut butter and the new ProMix to dollop, spread and sprinkle all over your favourite pancakes (or to just eat with a spoon).
To check out the full range of products go to www.wyldsson.com; if you can’t wait to win and want to buy some today, use this special little discount offer. Apply the gift code ‘eatwell2018’ in the web store to get 12.5% off all orders. Just enter it before checkout. *Valid until 26th Feb 2018* Competition closes Thursday, February 15th.