WIN! Cleanse & Polish for a WHOLE YEAR!

win cleanse and polish

Yup. You did read that title correctly. Those fine, fine peeps at Liz Earle are giving one of you gals a chance to win a Cleanse & Polish Subscription for a whole year! That's right  - every month the team at Liz Earle will send their multi award-winning Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser 100ml pump plus two pure muslin cloths, beautifully wrapped in tissue, straight to your house. The first one will arrive in a beautiful gold box, too.

This is a prize worth €185 were you to head into Wilde & Green in Milltown (the only Irish stockist) or buy through So, do you fancy it? Of course you do!



THE QUESTION: Where is the Liz Earle brand sold in Ireland? (hint: the answer is above)

HOW TO ENTER: Send your correct answer plus your NAME and FULL POSTAL ADDRESS to, using Liz Earle in the subject line of your email.

THE RULES:  1 entry per person;  you must have an Irish postal address (north and south); no cash alternative is available and our decision is final.  The competition closes today, Thursday 25th September 2008 at 2pm. We never share your details with any 3rd parties.

Sorry, this competition has ended now. You can check the Latest Competitions here

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