WIN! A Magic Crystal Clear Eye Pen!

crystal clear eye pen

Beloved of 'slebs like Kate Moss and Madonna, a Crystal Clear facial was also recently trialled by reader MontyC, to great success.

But it's not all just about salon treatments. Nope, there's an extensive range of at-home goodies too, and one of the most innovative is the Crystal Clear Eye Pen. Worth a whoppin' €220, this is a battery-powered powerhouse of a massage tool that's designed to give a mini-lift to the eye area. It doesn't do that on its own though - there's a serum inside the pen that's packed full of active ingredients too.

And sure don't you know it, we have one to give away! Fancy winning? Entry info is after the cut.



THE QUESTION: When did Crystal Clear skincare launch? (Hint: check the website)

HOW TO ENTER: Send us your NAME plus your FULL POSTAL ADDRESS to, putting the words Crystal Clear in the subject line of your email.

THE RULES: One entry per person; you must have an Irish address, north or south; there is no cash alternative and our decision is final. Comp closes at 5pm on Friday 21st November 2008. We never share your details with any third party.

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