Gorgeous to Go Christmas Comp Winner & The Best Entries - did we feature yours?

g2g entries and winner

At Christmas time we held a competition for those of you who'd gotten Gorgeous to Go in your stockings, under the tree, as a Kris Kindle pressie or otherwise gifted.  "Send us your snaps of your brand new book (if you’ve got ‘em under the tree, fresh from ripped up Christmas paper, resting on the cat, on your head then so much the better. Give us a laugh!) and we’ll put you in the pot," we said, and here are some of the shots you lot sent us above.*

But we could only pick one, and the image that made us laugh the most came from Frances Browner from Wicklow, who sent us the shot of G2G resting on a sleeping man (had he been reading it before he caught some zeds?).  "He's gorgeous ... but, he has to go!" she said, and for that she's bagging a goody bag worth €150.

Well done - and thanks to everyone else who entered. We loved seeing all of your shots - they were all fab!


*for obvious reasons if you'd sent us in a pic featuring your baby or kids we haven't used it on the site

Sorry, this competition has ended now. You can check the Latest Competitions here

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