YSL Touche Eclat is one of those Cult Products everyone and their granny has in the bottom of their makeup bag.
But in truth it's been living off its reputation for the last hundred years or so. When it came out first it was brilliant because there was nothing else as good- but since then lots of better concealers have been developed. This is watery and really not great at concealing at all compared to newer products. It tends to be plastered on by devotees and heavy handed use has been responsible for some of the worst crimes against makeup in photographic record. The flash of paparazzi lenses have exposed deathly white Reverse Panda* style eyes as the silica in the product reflects badly against the camera flash.
As an added point of interest it’s good to know that supermodel Catrice uses this over her whole face.
*Reverse Panda. Imagine a Panda with white around his eyes instead of black. And as Reverse Panda Syndrome is often accompanied by Crimes Against Fake Tan the rest of the Panda will be orange.