I was at Xpose Xmas Xperience (some name, wha?) on Friday for Prudence magazine and while I'd really never choose to go to a show like this off my own bat - I dunno, they just don't appeal - there were some beauty bargains to be had. And sure, as I was already there and I can't resist an aforementioned beauty bargain, we can all see where I'm going with this.
The Bourjois stand seemed to be doing a roaring trade in Ciate bits and bobs as well as packing out the place with its five for €10 offer. I passed. Excited buyers were mobbing the place and everything looked messed up and disorganised due to the rummage levels.
Gosh was also present, doing three for €10. I spotted something ... something interesting ... that'd we'd gone mad for on the blog.
Yep, they were DISCOUNTING AND SELLING RAINBOW! I call this nothing short of madness. We had so many reports of Beaut.ies not being able to find this super-coveted topcoat a few months ago following us blogging about it, so I am mystified as to why it was on offer when tons of you couldn't get your hands on it full-price. Me? I tried Awear after Awear and chemist after chemist to get a bottle at the time, and came up with nothing.
Anyway, once my eyes stopped 'boooinngggggging' I got three. I don't really know why. Hard-to-find polish lust struck, I guess.
I was glad to see Crown Brushes had put their recent bad Irish experience behind them and were selling at the show. There were so many different brushes on offer that it was quite mind-boggling but I got three eye tools for €15; two blenders and a smudgery (a technical term) one.
Why did I choose to add to my enormo brush collection, ladies? Well, I do like Crown Brushes as I've told you before, but the real reason was that I need to wash my other blending brushes and I can't be arsed. Buying two new ones means I can put the dreaded task off for a little while longer. I know, I'm a genius.
That's by no means all the beauty on offer - Millies.ie was selling Dermalogica and Bare Minerals, Fuschia had a nice big stand as did Tan Organic and there were teeth whitening and laser hair removal stands abounding too.
Did you go along at the weekend, and if so, what did you make of the beauty booty on offer?