Have you heard the one about the woman in the UK who's home administering Botox to her 16-year-old daughter?
The mother in question is 49-year-old Sarah Burge. She's known as the Human Barbie by virtue of the fact that she holds the world record for cosmetic procedures, having undergone more than 100 cosmetic surgeries - including three facelifts - costing over €500,000 in total. So perhaps it's not surprising that she didn't blink an eyelid when daughter Hannah, who was 15 at the time, decided she wanted to get Botox to deal with lines around her mouth and on her forehead and to make sure that she wouldn't look "haggard and ugly" by the time she hit the grand old age of...
Barbie Mom says that she's doing the responsible thing by injecting her now 16-year-old daughter herself, which is an interesting perspective. She maintains that it keeps Hannah from resorting to scurrilous backstreet Botox-pushers, and says she's thrilled that her daughter was so open about her desire for what the pair of them call "B". As to why she didn't just say "hell no!" when her then 15-year-old girl wanted Botox, well, Sarah says she didn't want to be a hypocrite.
While teenagers, and kids in general, are now growing up faster than ever, it seems particularly sad that this girl is worrying about lines and wrinkles and aging at 16. Not to mention having those worries reinforced by the ma. Shouldn't she be busy deciding which Twilight hottie she fancies most or dodging homework or something?
Makes me nostalgic for the days when a teenager's biggest beauty concern was that she was getting to the bottom of a tube of Rimmel's Heather Shimmer lippie.