The season of joy is coming early for one lucky Beaut.ie reader as we have a cracker of a prize up for grabs!
Our friends at Benefit have given us a bumper-sized hamper to give away. It's more glorious than an elvish choir singing soaring carols, more coveted than that last glass of mulled wine. And we would run away with it ourselves except that we're afraid of ending up on the Naughty List; we're Bad Gals at heart.
This prize is packed FULL of amazing Benefit gift sets, hero products and an exclusive, not-available-in-Ireland Pret-a-Party Christmas Gift Set that has everything you'll need in your make up kit this Christmas. And it has an Advent Calendar that will be the envy of beautionistas everywhere.
Trust us, this is one bumper thumper of a competition that you do not want to miss out on!