On Friday talk on the Blather turned to vouchers - and where you would HATE to get a voucher for. Jane Norman came in for some commentary.
Personally I know my face would fall if I got a voucher from Heatons. The boutique down the road which only stocks "fashions" that were last in style ... never. Woodies? Nah.
While I wouldn't be delira about getting a voucher from Argos (or indeed using their wedding list service for that matter) at least I could still buy SOMETHING in there.
Some people think a voucher is the ultimate thoughtless present. I don't at all - I love getting vouchers - but for places I like.
So tell us. Did someone once give you McDonalds vouchers? Tickets for an all singing all dancing "show" and you hate musicals?
What's your idea of voucher hell?